What It is Like To Have High Needs Autism, In Our Own Words
Autism is a word for a million different stories. However, most of us struggle to be the storyteller. Instead, our stories are interpreted by our relatives, lower-support-needs people, or are not told at all. The goal of HNAA is to come together as a community of high-suppor t needs autistic people to advocate on our own behalf. Otherwise, our s tories often get spoken over by those who are more able. We c an' t speak for all of us, but we can p rovid e a platform for us to speak. For this article, we asked our community of high-support needs autistic people to describe their experience, so that others can better understand what it’s like to have high needs autism. There are a variety of aspects to autism that are described below: developmental delays, social skills, sensory processing issues, restrictive/repetitive behavior, and rigidity. General Analogies -Having autism is like h...